Thursday, June 17, 2010

Interview Thursdays

Good afternoon readers! I'm running a little late on the blog post today, so sorry!

This week, I interviewed Heather from Beautiful Soaps. I've purchased several things from her in the path and I just love all of her products! My favorite is the tea tree oil soap. I use it to make my own laundry detergent.

Here's the interview:

1. Please tell me about yourself (background, interests, how you got into soap making, etc.)

I've always been beading, sewing and crafting something or another but never thought about getting into soap making. One day I really wanted to smell like incense, so I started browsing though the handmade shops to find an opium bar of soap. I didn't find it but I did find lots of other wonderful treasures. After spending a small fortune on buying handmade soap (I sometimes still do!) I decided I could make my own.

I researched everything I could on soap making and then took the plunge. I made my first bar of opium poppy seed soap and it actually turned out. After that, I was hooked. I purposed in my heart that I would never copy work from anybody else, with the small exception of 'inspiration' and wondered if it would be possible to come up with all my own recipes. I've never had a problem :-) Ideas will come to me daily. I love soap making!

2. What can you tell me about your store? What types of items can one find there? How long have you been in business?

I've been selling on Etsy since 2007 in my "HeatherRai" shop and opened up "BeautifulSoaps" so I could concentrate just on handmade soap. I am a sucker for a natural bar of soap. Natural color, essential oils, clays, aloe vera, butters, and luxury oils. These are my absolute favorite bars for personal use. I do make a little bit of everything. I get bored very easily. My shop also carries natural laundry soap, balms, butters and lotions. Someone told me when I first started that I'd eventually be doing all these extra things, and they were right.

3. What or who inspires you?

I am inspired and excited by natural goodness. I love every herb yielding seed, within seed. I am very passionate about natural health. I get sick to my stomach thinking about all of the corporations in this world who will put every cancer causing, sick chemical filler into our food and health products just to make a dollar! Soap making is my way to make a difference :-)

4. Where would you like to see your business go in the future?

I am not a futuristic person. I have a hard enough time deciding what to do from minute to minute. I hope that I'm still making soap and learning about herbs and gardening. I pray that I'll be a kinder person and sharing my knowledge and learning new things with anyone who wants to talk with me.

Heather also included a picture of her first bar of soap to share with readers.

Hope you enjoyed the interview. Be sure to check out Beautiful Soaps and see all of the great products that Heather has to offer.

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